Category Archives: 2020 Feast

Coronavirus Statement – updated 23 March 2020

It is with great regret, due to the ongoing situation with Coronavirus, that we have made the difficult decision to cancel the Harwell Feast this year – 25 May 2020.

We had hoped that the event would be something for us all to look forward to in these challenging times, but with the Government guidelines suggesting that large gatherings should not take place, and the likelihood that we will be self-isolating and social distancing for at least the next 3 months, we have now accepted that the event will not be able to go ahead.

We are offering full refunds for those who have already booked, please get in touch via with your bank details.

The committee would like to thank all those involved for their continued support and hope to see you all in 2021.

Coronavirus Statement

At this moment in time we are continuing with the assumption that the Feast will still be held on Monday 25 May 2020. We are of course keeping up to date with government guidance and if the Feast needs to be cancelled or postponed we will update the website to let you know.

Thank you for your patience and understanding, keep safe and well. 

Feast 2020 stallholder bookings

The 2020 Feast date is confirmed as 25 May 2020, make a note of this in your diaries now.

The stallholder bookings are now open. Please go to the stallholder bookings tab to book on line or download a form to complete 2020 Booking form

If you wish to place an advert in the programme please contact us to find out more on

Any questions? Please contact us on and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Feast 2020

Keep the date free for the 2020 Feast which will be on

**25 May 2020**

More details will follow soon.

In the meantime stall booking forms can be found in the Stallholder Bookings section or here:

Any enquiries should be sent to

Look forward to seeing there!