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2024 Grants awarded

Following a successful Harwell Feast, villagers from a diverse range of Clubs, Societies and Charities joined the Feast committee at the Harwellian last week to receive their Grant Awards.

Chairing the meeting, Tim Hart, explained that there had been grant requests far in excess of the surplus made this year and that the committee had spent quite some time making the final allocation. He then asked each person to describe the project for which the money would be used towards.

The organisations benefitting were:

  • Harwell Primary School £1,500 
  • Harwell Bowls Club £1,000    
  • Harwell Scouts Group £600 
  • Harwell Village Hall £500
  • Harwell Gardeners Club £200
  • Little Pippins £1,000       
  • St Matthews Church Hall £615
  • Frances Geering Almshouses £2,000
  • 2nd Harwell Brownies £500
  • Danielle Cruddis £300 
  • Chloe Langridge £100

AGM and presentation of grants awarded

The committee met last night (10 September) to discuss the allocation of the 2024 surplus raised. Once again many applications for grants were received, each were discussed at great length and the final allocations agreed upon. The applicants will be informed in due course, if you sent in an application but have not heard from us within a week please do get in touch.

The AGM will be held on 15 October 2024 and the grant recipients will be invited to join us afterwards to share how they will spend the grant.

All Feast volunteers and supporters are welcome to join us at the AGM to share in the success of the 2024 Feast, 7.30pm at the Harwellian.

Grant applications 2024 are now open!

Despite further rising costs we are delighted to say that the 2024 Feast was successful in raising funds available for distribution.

Harwell organisations and others whose activities substantially benefit the residents of Harwell are invited to submit an application for funding.

Please either complete this form (preferred method for application), send us an email or write to us at 8 Fidler’s Orchard, Harwell, OX11 0FR.

The information needed to enable an informed decision is:

  • Name of organisation
  • Amount applied for
  • Description of item
  • Weblinks / quotes to support the cost
  • Explanation of how the item will benefit Harwell residents
  • Timescales of spending the grant
  • Your involvement in the 2024 Feast

The closing date for applications is 31 August 2024. We will consider all applications at our meeting scheduled in September 2024 and aim to respond to all applicants within a week. It is expected that the grants will be issued in late September 2024.

Frequently asked questions

Q – Is there a free car park?

Yes, it is accessed off Reading Road from the direction of Rowstock. It is a strictly left turn only entry to avoid traffic build up on the Reading Road. Rowstock roundabout is just a short distance away if you need to turn around.

Q – Is there blue badge parking?

Yes, there is a small amount of blue badge in the main car park near to the pedestrian entrance. There are no parking facilities in the recreation ground car park due to heavy pedestrian footfall.

Q – Do you take card?

Yes, electronc payments can be taken on the entrance gates and at most of the attractions. However, it is advised to bring a small amount of cash as a ‘just in case’. The nearest cash point machine can be found at Asda on Great Western Park accessed via Didcot Road.

Who is at the Feast 2024

We are pleased to share with you the details of the local businesses that are exhibiting at the Feast this year. There is a huge variety both outside and in the marquee.

  • Click on this link to see the full list of craft stalls.
  • Click on this link to find the list of local artists exhibiting.
  • Looking for food ‘to go’ to satisfy your hunger needs, click here.
  • Local community groups have stalls outside, find out more about them here.
  • We also have a selection of charities in attendance both local and national. Click here to find out more.

Driving to the Feast

There is a large free car park accessed by turning left from Reading Road as approached from Rowstock roundabout:

Please do not attempt to turn right into the car park from Reading Road as this will create significant traffic jams at the busiest times of day.

Look out for the large overhead sign marking the pedestrian access point at the side of the field:

The Reading Road vehicle access point is ‘Entrance Only’. Upon exiting the car park you will be directed through the gap in the treeline, through the recreation ground and towards Wantage Road.

Please park and drive safely with consideration to pedestrians and other vehicles, following instructions from our volunteer parking marshalls from Didcot Rugby Club. If the car park is full you may be able to find a parking space elsewhere in the village but please be respectful to local residents and do not block access or driveways.

Pavilion refreshments

The Feast committee want to support families by offering good value refreshments which includes filled rolls, teas, coffees and canned drinks – plus a variety of delicious cakes provided by the ladies from Harwell’s very own WI group.  So come along to the Pavilion and see for yourself.  The pavilion is perfectly placed next to the music marquee and is run by volunteers from Harwell Church.

All proceed from sales at the Pavilion contribute towards the funds we can offer for distribution to local causes.

New Attractions for 2024

New for 2024 we have two activities to tempt you to take part. 

The first new attraction is being hosted by the Harlequin Bowmen.  They are a local club and currently have spaces for new members.  They welcome you to join them at the Feast and have a go at the sport. They will be located near to the craft marquee. More details about the club can be found here.

The second new attraction is aimed at our younger visitors. We have two circus workshops taking place at 12.30pm and 1.45pm next to the bouncy castle and fair rides.  Places are on a first come, first served basis hosted by Storm in a Teacup Circus

Feast Day Road Closure

To enable the safe passage of the parade through the village the following roads will be closed between 10.55am and 11.45am on Monday 27 May 2024.

  • High Street, from the junction with Burr Street to the junction with Wantage Road.
  • Wantage Road, from the junction with High Street to the junction with A417 Reading Road.

We apologise in advance for any inconvenience that this may cause.

This temporary closure has been granted by VOWHDC. It does not apply to any emergency services vehicles.