2015 Parade Timetable

Provisional 2015 timetable – subject to change

Free Parking in Rec. off A417 (far field)

Disabled/Blue Badge holders (only) to use RBL/Recreation Ground Car Park off Westfield Rd.

Road Closure at 10:00

Bell Ringers at 10:30

Start Parade from Townsend at 11:00

Parade Details

map of the parade route

  1. Abbey Brass Band
  2. Veteran Cars 
  3. Veteran Tractors
  4. Veteran Bicycles 
  5. Motorcycles RBL Riders Club
  6. May Queen and attendees, open top vintage car
  7. Floats TBC (not in order)
    • W I
    • Cubs
    • Bagg’s Tree Buskers
    • Little Pippins
    • Fun Club
    • Harwell School
    • Busy Bees
    • Rainbow
    • Harwell Young Singers
    • Steve Froud & family
  8. The Marquess of Winchester’s Regiment of the English Civil War Society
  9. Morris Dancers
    1. Start at Hart of Harwell (~10:30)
    2. Join parade  (behind Civil War Society)
    3. Peel off to Village Hall car park (~12:00)
    4. Move on to RBL car park (~13:00)
    5. Outside Marquee  (~15:00)
  10. General public to join parade
    1. Some visit Village Hall (for viewing IMPEYAN Birds/Invertebrates etc)
    2. Peel off at Westfield Rd to main entrance
  11. Parade continues on to Entrance D
    1. Directed appropriately in the recreation ground
    2. Abbey Brass Band move to Bandstand (~12:30)
    3. Veteran Cars and Motorcycles to park in the Rec. North N. West embankment
    4. Veteran Tractors to park in the Rec. North West embankment
    5. Veteran Bicycles to park in the Rec. North East fence
    6. Floats to line up in Main Arena
  12. Feast will be officially opened by: TBC